Ohio Auto Insurance Claim: Your Duties as a Car Owner

Most people have been through at least one auto accident claim in their lifetime. Although we often think that most of the claim work is done by the insurance company, there are specific responsibilities and obligations for vehicle owners.

In this post, we’ll go through the basic duties for car owners when working through a claim.

6 Basic Duties for Car Owners on a Claim

There are six basic duties that an insured car owner must perform. They are:

1. Be cooperative and provide assistance with the claim process.

2. Send your insurer any legal documents that you have received that pertain to the claim.

3. If the insurance company requires it, you may be required to participate in a medical exam. The company should pay for this, not you.

4. The insurance company can also ask for permission to access your medical records or other relevant records.

5. In most cases, your policy will likely require you to promptly provide the insurer with notification of the accident. The insurance company usually requires you to provide the basic details of the accident (location, circumstances, etc.), time and date, along with the details of other drivers involved in the accident.

6. You will also be required to help gather any evidence, such as witness information and photographs of your automobile. Of course, it’s always important to call the police and obtain an official report.

It goes without saying that you should always seek medical attention as soon as reasonably possible.

In addition, we always recommend that clients take detailed notes about the accident. Keeping a journal is a good way to organize your thoughts and notes. What specifically happened during the accident? What happened to your body during the accident? How has this impacted your daily life?

Questions About a Claim?

Navigating a car insurance claim can seem like an overwhelming responsibility, especially when you’re injured. Contact our firm to ask any questions during the process. We have helped many Ohioans work through complex auto insurance claims.

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