Do I Need a Will in Ohio?

Have you ever asked yourself this question?

Do I need a will in Ohio?

If so, this article is for you.

There are several reasons why you need to have a will prepared in Ohio. Let’s briefly look at a few of the most important reasons.

Protecting Your Wishes

First and foremost, having a properly executed will protects your wishes after you’ve passed. But, a will is not only important for after you’ve passed on. Prior to death, a well thought-out and properly executed will can provide peace of mind. It’s hard to put a price on peace of mind.

Choosing the Name & Executor of Your Estate

In addition, your will should also allow you to choose the name and executor of your estate, including the executor’s powers. You should also have the option to waive the need for an executor to post a bond. Unless you have a will, the State of Ohio will make these decisions for you. That’s not an ideal situation.

Parental Considerations

Are you a parent of minor children? Your will provides an opportunity to name guardians for your children. You may also decide to appoint successor guardians who could serve as guardians should your primary guardians be unwilling or unable to serve. Unless you have a will, the state may step in and appoint a temporary guardian who you do not personally know.

Property Management & Distribution

Do you own land, property, your home, or other assets? Wills let you specify someone to oversee property distribution and property management. This person could be someone completely different than the person you appoint as the guardian of your children. Wills can also bring clarity to other post-death issues, such as payment of debts, taxes, and other obligations.

Review Your Will Regularly

If you already have a will, it may be a good idea to review it occasionally to ensure your wishes still align with your will. If you do not have a will and live in Ohio, feel free to contact us with questions or to schedule an appointment with our law firm. We have helped many Ohioans prepare and finalize their wills, and we are happy to talk to you to learn more about your specific needs. Stop by our office on North High Street or give us a call at 614.488.2270.

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